About Heyokha Brothers

Heyokha Brothers Limited, licensed in 2019, is an investment management firm(1) in Hong Kong.

Our history dated back since 2014. Our goal was to “sort through the noise and help you unlock access to the latest investment opportunities in Southeast Asia through our purposeful research and well-established network, allowing you to prioritise your time on your aspirations and life goals.”

In 2014, we officially set out to start a business with the philosophy to research, be neutral and pull out the things that resonate with us. We foster a culture that nurtures creativity and openness. With this philosophy in mind, we see investing as a natural progression to apply our knowledge and passion.

Since then, we hustled ourselves anything from interesting deals to hiring talents. Not being afraid to putting yourself out there and getting heard is an important practice for operators of any business.

We believe in the Dutch proverb “Stilstaan is achteruit gaan”, meaning that standing still is going backwards. With this in mind we are always hungry to keep moving forward.

Not only do we aim to have a holistic view of the world and its businesses, but also to manage our life in same way, as reflected in what we eat, do and think.

We are never afraid to question conventional ways and believe in forging our own unique paths. Therefore, independent and on-the-ground research is key to our investment process.

Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. We strive to be calm, happy and absorbed into our works and learning. We want to stay informed, but not overwhelmed by information simply because of the “fear of missing out”.

We are open-minded to change and innovation, and dedicate many hours per week to learning. We view mistakes as opportunities for learning and that learning from our mistake is a key component of growth mindset. We always ask the question if we are already asking enough questions.

(1) Licenced and regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong

What is Heyokha?

A Heyokha is a contrarian or satirist among the native North American Lakota people.

A Heyokha asks difficult questions about subjects not usually thought about, or looks at things in a different way. A Heyokha provokes laughter in distressing situations and provokes fear and chaos when people feel complacent and overly secure, to keep them from believing they are more powerful than they are.

We believe that the Heyokha spirit is the very essence and heart of Heyokha Brothers: we are highly adaptable to different market conditions, not afraid to take contrarian views and act swiftly on different investment opportunities.


We alleviate pain points by turning ideas into reality.

Ready to take your financial goals to the next level?
Contact us today to learn more about our investment
strategies and how we can help you achieve your
personal and financial aspirations.

Growth Mindset

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We drive our mission with an exceptional culture through applying a growth mindset where re-search, re-learning and reflection is at our core.

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We drive our mission with an exceptional culture through applying a growth mindset where re-search.
re-learning and reflection is at our core.