When is the sunset most colourful? After a normal day with some clouds, the hottest day with scorching hot sun, or after a heavy storm by the beach the whole day?
I enjoyed my time in Bali reading a lot of books, some on investing, philosophy, and longevity. Slow times like this I like. In the fast-moving investment world, slow thinking is rare. At Heyokha, we take this very seriously. Speeding through at 100km/h to the wrong direction would just make things worse. We took one week to rethink our investment strategy, philosophy, and operations, to come back stronger than ever.
One of the ideas that resonated with me as I sip my pina colada, reading The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks is that the highest return is made after the crisis. Howard Marks was notorious for investing USD 600mn per day for 10 days straight during the 2008 crisis, which made him one of the most profitable investments over his career. Superior investors are contrarians, second level thinkers, immutable by emotions – theirs and the markets, yet flexible thinkers. To invest during and after a crisis, when the outlook seems bleak or chaotic even usually turns out to provide the best return for investors.
On my last day, Bali was hit with a heavy storm throughout the day. Just when the rain slowed down, I took a quick run to the beach while my friends and most of the population stayed tuck under their comfortable blanket cursing at the storm. I arrived just in time to see the most magnificent hues of yellow, orange, pink, and purple in the sky. As I sat down by the beach, I thought: Indeed, the most colourful sunset is right after a chaotic storm, my biggest return of the trip.
Danzel Aryo Soerjohadi
Investments at Heyokha Brothers
Admin heyokha
When is the sunset most colourful? After a normal day with some clouds, the hottest day with scorching hot sun, or after a heavy storm by the beach the whole day?
I enjoyed my time in Bali reading a lot of books, some on investing, philosophy, and longevity. Slow times like this I like. In the fast-moving investment world, slow thinking is rare. At Heyokha, we take this very seriously. Speeding through at 100km/h to the wrong direction would just make things worse. We took one week to rethink our investment strategy, philosophy, and operations, to come back stronger than ever.
One of the ideas that resonated with me as I sip my pina colada, reading The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks is that the highest return is made after the crisis. Howard Marks was notorious for investing USD 600mn per day for 10 days straight during the 2008 crisis, which made him one of the most profitable investments over his career. Superior investors are contrarians, second level thinkers, immutable by emotions – theirs and the markets, yet flexible thinkers. To invest during and after a crisis, when the outlook seems bleak or chaotic even usually turns out to provide the best return for investors.
On my last day, Bali was hit with a heavy storm throughout the day. Just when the rain slowed down, I took a quick run to the beach while my friends and most of the population stayed tuck under their comfortable blanket cursing at the storm. I arrived just in time to see the most magnificent hues of yellow, orange, pink, and purple in the sky. As I sat down by the beach, I thought: Indeed, the most colourful sunset is right after a chaotic storm, my biggest return of the trip.
Danzel Aryo Soerjohadi
Investments at Heyokha Brothers
Admin heyokha