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Web3 economy replaces the old and the new

Creative destruction is an inevitable process. Web1 made browsing data available to the average person. Web2 turned interaction of people, transactions, and contents into businesses (social media, e-commerce, video streaming). Web3 adds the internet of money and the internet of identity.

The economy, old and new today, will see unprecedented disruptions, and morph into an open and token economy under Web3. Blockchain revolutionalises the backend of the internet in the most important aspect – from centralisation to de-centralisation of data storage.

Organisations that stand in the middle of the peer to peer sharing of data can be removed. This goes all the way to trusted agents, platform service providers, security and governance providers, and even governments. The economy can be truly open.

How do we get here?

The second industrial revolution in the 19th century brought us electricity and mass production through assembly lines. It gave birth to well-established companies like Coca-Cola, Du Pont, and General Motors. Some investors call them old economy companies.

The distinction between the old and new economy firms primarily lies in their business model and mindset of operation.

Old economy firms are usually asset-heavy because their activities typically revolve around producing goods. By design, production capacity becomes the bottleneck to the company’s growth and utilisation becomes a priority. With high upfront capex established in the high-interest rate era (compared to today), their investors put cash flow generation as a top priority since day one.

On the contrary, the new economy firms are usually asset-light because of their open business model. New economy firms collaborate to create an ecosystem as the central source of value creation. As such, they do not invest heavily intangible assets like property, plants, and equipment. They share it with their partners through sharing arrangements or an as-a-service model.

The business model of new economy firms also operates on a per unit basis instead of capacity utilisation. This design enables them to scale up exponentially by developing higher adoption and stickiness of their ecosystem.

In terms of mindset, new economy firms are usually backed by investors who are capable to endure years of losses to catch a huge prize down the road. Instead of focusing on profitability since day one, cornering their market is their number one priority. Positive cash flows are expected to come after obtaining market dominance.

New economy firms are a combo of novel technologies that meet venture capital financing

New economy firms harness novel technologies from the 3rd industrial revolution, i.e- personal computing and the internet, and apply them to an ecosystem-based business model.

Such novelty would not receive substantial financing from a traditional financial institution because of the high risk. This is when venture capital firms, high-risk appetite financiers specialised in funding early-stage companies, step in to support the innovation. There would be no new economy firms without these kinds of investors.

The development of the web and new economy firms

The development of the PC and the internet enables people to connect regardless of time and space. In the first generation of the web (Web 1.0) between 1983 to 1990, computers in the world were able to connect. The main purpose of the internet in Web 1.0 was to solely exchange information, scaling up the initial design of its founder Tim Berners-Lee.

Then, in the 1990s, some young entrepreneurs figured out that the internet could be used for more than just sharing information. Enter Web 2.0 era, the social web. These entrepreneurs created websites that became platforms for participants to share content and do commerce on the internet. The 3Cs namely: connectivity, content, and commerce would be the best way to describe it.

In the 1990s, Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), and Jack Ma (Alibaba) were all just young people with a vision back then. Due to their dedication and financial support from venture capitalists, we now have tech titans that shape our daily lives.

Digitalisation, decentralisation, and democratisation to be the next tech forefront

During the current web 2.0 era, we see that business competition has developed into a winner-takes-it-all game. In our 3Q19 report, we described how these business dynamics have increased inequality.

Wealth and power have never been this centralised. Tech companies to some extent could be more powerful than a government because of their extensive data ownership and strong access to capital, thanks to the generous market valuation and exceptional free cash flows. It leaves no room for the small guys.

Facing such issues, attempts to revert the centralisation of wealth and power have started both from regulators and the tech scene. We have seen numerous attempts by several governments from developed countries to curbs tech power through legislation. Closing taxation loopholes, data governance, and anti-trust regulation are some of the addressed issues.

In the tech space, we see the advent of decentralised network technology as an attempt to reverse the centralised structure. Peer-to-peer connections, distributed ledger technology (i.e- blockchain) and edge computing are examples of decentralised network technology.

We are of the view that digitalisation, decentralisation, and democratisation are the next tech trends driven by decentralised technologies. Below is our short introduction to the theme:

Digitalisation of contracts and transactions

Digital refers to the electronic storage and transmission of data. In the field of finance, data often means value. Digitisation (i.e. transforming non-digital data and records into digital format) has been going on for years and is still happening.

Digitalisation is not a product. It is a network of processes in which only digital data is created, processed, and stored. In theory, there is no need to regularly keep records and take snapshots (accounting) as unique full history can either be reproduced easily or in the case of blockchain, a full chain of historic records is a default output. When the digital data created represents a contractual relationship between two parties, it represents a value transfer.

Digitalisation suggests that contractual relationships can be created digitally. And if blockchain is used, it will also be secured and trusted, without the need of third parties to verify, approve and register them. The execution of digital contracts will be enforced by the whole network (checking and verifying) and not subject to manipulations. Therefore, it is trustworthy and secured. With such value proposition, on-chain contracts could be a norm in the future.

Decentralisation of network and governance

In the field of finance, centralisation is the norm rather than the exception. Cases in point: central bank, central registry, central depository, central clearing bank, central regulators, etc

During the Financial Crisis of 2008, insane risks taken by big financial institutions were blowing up in their faces and the US government came to their rescue to the order of many billions of US dollars. At the same time, average US citizens were losing their jobs and being evicted from their homes, while the large institutions that created this crisis were being backstopped by government money.

The initial creators of Bitcoin did so explicitly with the intention to offer an alternative financial system that would be more democratic and governed by the truly immutable laws of cryptography and computing power, rather than the oft-bending laws of man.

The need for a fairer and more trusted system has never been clearer. Fast forward 10 years, in 2020, when the pandemic hit the globe, causing the loss of millions of jobs once again, the risks of the existing financial systems were exposed to every corner of the world and every walk of life. Bitcoin has entered the main street as an alternative financial system that cannot be manipulated by central agents. This is a strong anchor of decentralisation, a process that can only be delayed but not reversed.

Democratisation in finance

Democratisation is the process of introducing the democratic system and principles to the financial infrastructure. This is in stark contrast to a centralized financial infrastructure. The creation of blockchain has not only made decentralised finance possible, but also has a wider implication of making decentralized property, arts, music, and lots of tangibles and intangibles possible.

Under this system, there is no dispute over fractional ownership, property rights, and legitimacy of creations and transactions. This is significant, as it greatly levels the playing field with extremely trustworthy and transparent value and allows peer-to-peer to directly engage in such transactions without huge costs of discovery, verification, and transactions.

The ability to own a fraction of something that is not represented by securities but the asset itself is something that will change the world under this democratisation process. When governance is truly decentralised and cannot be manipulated or faked, it represents the real value of trust.

Today’s Google and Facebook who monetise user data will also be challenged. Decentralised systems will not provide any data of great value to you unless with self-consent, on an active basis. Without the ability to unknowingly collect your metadata, Big Data will not be as valuable as claimed, and accordingly, AI will have much less applicable value. Limited data feed handicaps the machine’s learning ability.

Democratisation is in a sense returning financial power to the commons but not needing to use the centralised financial systems.

After all, another gale of creative destruction has arrived

With innovation continuing to spur, no one is safe from disruption. We are of the view that the next gale of creative destruction would come from decentralised technologies that would disrupt today’s new economy firms and enable Web 3.0. As such, the 3Ds will replace the 3Cs in the upcoming future.

Curious about what to expect in web 3.0? Stay tuned to our web 3.0 blog series.

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction” – Pablo Picasso

Admin heyokha


Web3 economy replaces the old and the new

Creative destruction is an inevitable process. Web1 made browsing data available to the average person. Web2 turned interaction of people, transactions, and contents into businesses (social media, e-commerce, video streaming). Web3 adds the internet of money and the internet of identity.

The economy, old and new today, will see unprecedented disruptions, and morph into an open and token economy under Web3. Blockchain revolutionalises the backend of the internet in the most important aspect – from centralisation to de-centralisation of data storage.

Organisations that stand in the middle of the peer to peer sharing of data can be removed. This goes all the way to trusted agents, platform service providers, security and governance providers, and even governments. The economy can be truly open.

How do we get here?

The second industrial revolution in the 19th century brought us electricity and mass production through assembly lines. It gave birth to well-established companies like Coca-Cola, Du Pont, and General Motors. Some investors call them old economy companies.

The distinction between the old and new economy firms primarily lies in their business model and mindset of operation.

Old economy firms are usually asset-heavy because their activities typically revolve around producing goods. By design, production capacity becomes the bottleneck to the company’s growth and utilisation becomes a priority. With high upfront capex established in the high-interest rate era (compared to today), their investors put cash flow generation as a top priority since day one.

On the contrary, the new economy firms are usually asset-light because of their open business model. New economy firms collaborate to create an ecosystem as the central source of value creation. As such, they do not invest heavily intangible assets like property, plants, and equipment. They share it with their partners through sharing arrangements or an as-a-service model.

The business model of new economy firms also operates on a per unit basis instead of capacity utilisation. This design enables them to scale up exponentially by developing higher adoption and stickiness of their ecosystem.

In terms of mindset, new economy firms are usually backed by investors who are capable to endure years of losses to catch a huge prize down the road. Instead of focusing on profitability since day one, cornering their market is their number one priority. Positive cash flows are expected to come after obtaining market dominance.

New economy firms are a combo of novel technologies that meet venture capital financing

New economy firms harness novel technologies from the 3rd industrial revolution, i.e- personal computing and the internet, and apply them to an ecosystem-based business model.

Such novelty would not receive substantial financing from a traditional financial institution because of the high risk. This is when venture capital firms, high-risk appetite financiers specialised in funding early-stage companies, step in to support the innovation. There would be no new economy firms without these kinds of investors.

The development of the web and new economy firms

The development of the PC and the internet enables people to connect regardless of time and space. In the first generation of the web (Web 1.0) between 1983 to 1990, computers in the world were able to connect. The main purpose of the internet in Web 1.0 was to solely exchange information, scaling up the initial design of its founder Tim Berners-Lee.

Then, in the 1990s, some young entrepreneurs figured out that the internet could be used for more than just sharing information. Enter Web 2.0 era, the social web. These entrepreneurs created websites that became platforms for participants to share content and do commerce on the internet. The 3Cs namely: connectivity, content, and commerce would be the best way to describe it.

In the 1990s, Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), and Jack Ma (Alibaba) were all just young people with a vision back then. Due to their dedication and financial support from venture capitalists, we now have tech titans that shape our daily lives.

Digitalisation, decentralisation, and democratisation to be the next tech forefront

During the current web 2.0 era, we see that business competition has developed into a winner-takes-it-all game. In our 3Q19 report, we described how these business dynamics have increased inequality.

Wealth and power have never been this centralised. Tech companies to some extent could be more powerful than a government because of their extensive data ownership and strong access to capital, thanks to the generous market valuation and exceptional free cash flows. It leaves no room for the small guys.

Facing such issues, attempts to revert the centralisation of wealth and power have started both from regulators and the tech scene. We have seen numerous attempts by several governments from developed countries to curbs tech power through legislation. Closing taxation loopholes, data governance, and anti-trust regulation are some of the addressed issues.

In the tech space, we see the advent of decentralised network technology as an attempt to reverse the centralised structure. Peer-to-peer connections, distributed ledger technology (i.e- blockchain) and edge computing are examples of decentralised network technology.

We are of the view that digitalisation, decentralisation, and democratisation are the next tech trends driven by decentralised technologies. Below is our short introduction to the theme:

Digitalisation of contracts and transactions

Digital refers to the electronic storage and transmission of data. In the field of finance, data often means value. Digitisation (i.e. transforming non-digital data and records into digital format) has been going on for years and is still happening.

Digitalisation is not a product. It is a network of processes in which only digital data is created, processed, and stored. In theory, there is no need to regularly keep records and take snapshots (accounting) as unique full history can either be reproduced easily or in the case of blockchain, a full chain of historic records is a default output. When the digital data created represents a contractual relationship between two parties, it represents a value transfer.

Digitalisation suggests that contractual relationships can be created digitally. And if blockchain is used, it will also be secured and trusted, without the need of third parties to verify, approve and register them. The execution of digital contracts will be enforced by the whole network (checking and verifying) and not subject to manipulations. Therefore, it is trustworthy and secured. With such value proposition, on-chain contracts could be a norm in the future.

Decentralisation of network and governance

In the field of finance, centralisation is the norm rather than the exception. Cases in point: central bank, central registry, central depository, central clearing bank, central regulators, etc

During the Financial Crisis of 2008, insane risks taken by big financial institutions were blowing up in their faces and the US government came to their rescue to the order of many billions of US dollars. At the same time, average US citizens were losing their jobs and being evicted from their homes, while the large institutions that created this crisis were being backstopped by government money.

The initial creators of Bitcoin did so explicitly with the intention to offer an alternative financial system that would be more democratic and governed by the truly immutable laws of cryptography and computing power, rather than the oft-bending laws of man.

The need for a fairer and more trusted system has never been clearer. Fast forward 10 years, in 2020, when the pandemic hit the globe, causing the loss of millions of jobs once again, the risks of the existing financial systems were exposed to every corner of the world and every walk of life. Bitcoin has entered the main street as an alternative financial system that cannot be manipulated by central agents. This is a strong anchor of decentralisation, a process that can only be delayed but not reversed.

Democratisation in finance

Democratisation is the process of introducing the democratic system and principles to the financial infrastructure. This is in stark contrast to a centralized financial infrastructure. The creation of blockchain has not only made decentralised finance possible, but also has a wider implication of making decentralized property, arts, music, and lots of tangibles and intangibles possible.

Under this system, there is no dispute over fractional ownership, property rights, and legitimacy of creations and transactions. This is significant, as it greatly levels the playing field with extremely trustworthy and transparent value and allows peer-to-peer to directly engage in such transactions without huge costs of discovery, verification, and transactions.

The ability to own a fraction of something that is not represented by securities but the asset itself is something that will change the world under this democratisation process. When governance is truly decentralised and cannot be manipulated or faked, it represents the real value of trust.

Today’s Google and Facebook who monetise user data will also be challenged. Decentralised systems will not provide any data of great value to you unless with self-consent, on an active basis. Without the ability to unknowingly collect your metadata, Big Data will not be as valuable as claimed, and accordingly, AI will have much less applicable value. Limited data feed handicaps the machine’s learning ability.

Democratisation is in a sense returning financial power to the commons but not needing to use the centralised financial systems.

After all, another gale of creative destruction has arrived

With innovation continuing to spur, no one is safe from disruption. We are of the view that the next gale of creative destruction would come from decentralised technologies that would disrupt today’s new economy firms and enable Web 3.0. As such, the 3Ds will replace the 3Cs in the upcoming future.

Curious about what to expect in web 3.0? Stay tuned to our web 3.0 blog series.

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction” – Pablo Picasso

Admin heyokha


Tech entrepreneurship has led to a winner-takes-it-all game, centralising wealth and power

Big Tech is wealthier than many nations
Source: Guardian

The digitalisation of the 3Cs: Communication, Content, and Commerce has been the dominating force shaping the new ecosystem (new economy) for the last two decades and has also led to a concentration of power and wealth. This centralisation trend has led to an oligopolistic market with distant market leadership. Most market share will be owned by the leader with a significant gap to even the 2nd biggest player. Tech entrepreneurship trends have led to winner-takes-all game.

Case in point: According to eMarketer (2020), Amazon’s market share in the U.S. e-commerce retail sales was 38.7%, followed by Walmart at 5.3%. The four biggest players combined control 52.4% of the whole market.



The winners are getting stronger every day by gaining access to more data, enjoying network effects, and accessing financial resources through their generous market valuation. The tech leaders also enjoy exceptional free cash flows, adding to their moats.

Legislators and ex-insiders are now attempting to break the Big Tech as they see threats lurking

Storms are brewing over tech companies



Abundant access to data, financial resources, and the ability to manipulate public opinion have instilled fear that tech firms would soon be more powerful than governments. Consequently, governments and ex-tech insiders have started to fight the Big Tech.



The three biggest issues that are being addressed are:

1.Anti-trust: More power and market share accumulated by the winners leave no room for other competitors.

2.Data privacy: Data tapping is everywhere and monetised for profit.

3.Tax: Leveraging their borderless presence, many firms exploit tax loopholes, creating an unfair advantage.

In addition of legal moves by governments and ex-tech insiders, the new tech forefronts have decentralisation attributes embedded to their framework, which is a solution of today’s problem.

Blockchain and edge computing emerge as a substitute ecosystem for the existing centralised system

In a centralised system, users depend on an authority to give a ‘blessing’ for transactions. This authority is almighty to dictate behaviour, set rules and regulations, and monitor our actions. Blockchain and edge computing emerge as enabling technologies who act as the foundation of a decentralised system.

Blockchain technology is an enabler of permissionless transactions by using a distributed ledger system where everyone in the network shares the database simultaneously. The data being shared through the network is represented by a ‘token’. Its core value proposition consists of user privacy, reliable records, and frictionless low-cost transactions.

Meanwhile, edge computing provides decentralised data processing by computing near the users. Its core value proposition are composed of: 1.) User’s absolute consent of data – Only relevant data need to be shared with the central network and  2) Faster computing – Lower latency due to closer proximity to the user instead of relying to a centralised system.

The wide adoption of blockchain technology and edge computing could imply that the Big Tech would be fed less data. Certain AI-optimized and machine learning programs could be adversely impacted by such trend.

With accelerating digitalisation and the rising prominence of decentralised network technology, decentralisation and democratisation will be the next forefront of tech for the coming decades

The rising efforts to curtail Big Tech’s power and the increasing prominence of decentralised network technology could reverse the centralisation trend. Therefore, we believe that in the upcoming decades, the innovation trends will shift from the digitalisation of the 3Cs towards the 3Ds. The 3Ds can be shortly explained as follows:

1.Digitalisation acceleration due to COVID-19 will be the background in the new normal.

2.Decentralisation will occur as blockchain and edge-computing emerge as a substitute for the current centralised system. Blockchain is going to be the backbone for decentralised finance. Meanwhile, edge computing will be the key for decentralised internet networks.

3. Democratisation is going to be the consequence of decentralisation. Also, accelerating decentralisation will cap the power of authority and distribute the power back to the users.

Investors should be more agile and have an open mindset

The era of high-velocity creative destruction provides opportunities and threats to investor’s wealth. In order to be able to grasp the emerging opportunities and avoid the vicissitudes (i.e- taking the wrong side in the game), today’s investors are required to be more open-minded and be on one’s guard. A life-changing investment opportunity might arise by surfing the tide of future winners since its early days.

“If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.” – Lao Tzu

Admin heyokha


Tech entrepreneurship has led to a winner-takes-it-all game, centralising wealth and power

Big Tech is wealthier than many nations
Source: Guardian

The digitalisation of the 3Cs: Communication, Content, and Commerce has been the dominating force shaping the new ecosystem (new economy) for the last two decades and has also led to a concentration of power and wealth. This centralisation trend has led to an oligopolistic market with distant market leadership. Most market share will be owned by the leader with a significant gap to even the 2nd biggest player. Tech entrepreneurship trends have led to winner-takes-all game.

Case in point: According to eMarketer (2020), Amazon’s market share in the U.S. e-commerce retail sales was 38.7%, followed by Walmart at 5.3%. The four biggest players combined control 52.4% of the whole market.



The winners are getting stronger every day by gaining access to more data, enjoying network effects, and accessing financial resources through their generous market valuation. The tech leaders also enjoy exceptional free cash flows, adding to their moats.

Legislators and ex-insiders are now attempting to break the Big Tech as they see threats lurking

Storms are brewing over tech companies



Abundant access to data, financial resources, and the ability to manipulate public opinion have instilled fear that tech firms would soon be more powerful than governments. Consequently, governments and ex-tech insiders have started to fight the Big Tech.



The three biggest issues that are being addressed are:

1.Anti-trust: More power and market share accumulated by the winners leave no room for other competitors.

2.Data privacy: Data tapping is everywhere and monetised for profit.

3.Tax: Leveraging their borderless presence, many firms exploit tax loopholes, creating an unfair advantage.

In addition of legal moves by governments and ex-tech insiders, the new tech forefronts have decentralisation attributes embedded to their framework, which is a solution of today’s problem.

Blockchain and edge computing emerge as a substitute ecosystem for the existing centralised system

In a centralised system, users depend on an authority to give a ‘blessing’ for transactions. This authority is almighty to dictate behaviour, set rules and regulations, and monitor our actions. Blockchain and edge computing emerge as enabling technologies who act as the foundation of a decentralised system.

Blockchain technology is an enabler of permissionless transactions by using a distributed ledger system where everyone in the network shares the database simultaneously. The data being shared through the network is represented by a ‘token’. Its core value proposition consists of user privacy, reliable records, and frictionless low-cost transactions.

Meanwhile, edge computing provides decentralised data processing by computing near the users. Its core value proposition are composed of: 1.) User’s absolute consent of data – Only relevant data need to be shared with the central network and  2) Faster computing – Lower latency due to closer proximity to the user instead of relying to a centralised system.

The wide adoption of blockchain technology and edge computing could imply that the Big Tech would be fed less data. Certain AI-optimized and machine learning programs could be adversely impacted by such trend.

With accelerating digitalisation and the rising prominence of decentralised network technology, decentralisation and democratisation will be the next forefront of tech for the coming decades

The rising efforts to curtail Big Tech’s power and the increasing prominence of decentralised network technology could reverse the centralisation trend. Therefore, we believe that in the upcoming decades, the innovation trends will shift from the digitalisation of the 3Cs towards the 3Ds. The 3Ds can be shortly explained as follows:

1.Digitalisation acceleration due to COVID-19 will be the background in the new normal.

2.Decentralisation will occur as blockchain and edge-computing emerge as a substitute for the current centralised system. Blockchain is going to be the backbone for decentralised finance. Meanwhile, edge computing will be the key for decentralised internet networks.

3. Democratisation is going to be the consequence of decentralisation. Also, accelerating decentralisation will cap the power of authority and distribute the power back to the users.

Investors should be more agile and have an open mindset

The era of high-velocity creative destruction provides opportunities and threats to investor’s wealth. In order to be able to grasp the emerging opportunities and avoid the vicissitudes (i.e- taking the wrong side in the game), today’s investors are required to be more open-minded and be on one’s guard. A life-changing investment opportunity might arise by surfing the tide of future winners since its early days.

“If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.” – Lao Tzu

Admin heyokha


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Disclaimer of Liability Heyokha makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, security, and confidentiality of information available through the website. Heyokha, its affiliates, directors, officers, or employees accept no liability for any errors or omissions relating to information available through the website or for any damages, losses or expenses arising in connection with the website, whether direct or indirect, arising from the use of the website or its contents. Heyokha also reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the website at any time without notice. Heyokha shall not be liable for any such modification, suspension, or discontinuance.


Data Privacy Terms and Conditions

Personal Information Collection Statement:

Pursuant to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the ‘Ordinance’), Heyokha Brothers Limited is fully committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of personal information in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. This statement outlines how we collect, use, and protect personal information provided to us.

Collection of Personal Information:

We collect and maintain personal information, in a manner consistent with all relevant laws and regulations. We take necessary measures to ensure that personal information is correct and up to date. Personal information will only be used for the purpose of utilization and will not be disclosed to third parties (except our related parties e.g.: Administrators) without consent from the individual, except for justifiable grounds as required by laws and regulations.

We may collect various types of personal data from or about you, including:

  • Your name
  • Your user names and passwords
  • Contact information, including address, email address and/or telephone number
  • Information relating to your engagement with material that we publish or otherwise provide to you
  • Records of our interactions with you, including any messages you send us, your comments and questions and any other information you choose to provide.

The Company may automatically collect information about you from computer or internet browser through the use of cookies, pixel tags, and other similar technologies to enhance the user experience on its websites. Third parties may be used to collect personal data and information indirectly through monitoring activities conducted by the Company or on its behalf.

Company does not knowingly collect personal data from anyone under the age of 18 and does not seek to collect or process sensitive information unless required or permitted by law and with express consent.

Uses of your Personal Data:

We may use your personal data for the purposes it was provided and in connection with our services as described below:

  • Provide products/services or info as requested or expected.
  • Fulfill agreements and facilitate business dealings.
  • Manage relationships, analyse websites and communications, and merge personal data for relevance.
  • Support and improve existing products/services, and plan/develop new ones.
  • Count/recognize website visitors and analyse usage.
  • To comply with and assess compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations and internal policies and procedures.
  • Use information for any other purpose with consent.

Protection of Personal Information:

We provide thorough training to our officers and employees to prevent the leakage or inappropriate use of personal information and provide information on a need-to-know basis. Managers in charge for controls and inspections are appointed, and appropriate control systems are established to ensure the privacy and security of personal information.

In the event that personal information is provided to an external contractor (e.g.: Administrator), we take responsibility for ensuring that the external contractor has proper systems in place to protect the privacy of personal information.

Third parties disclosure of Personal Information:

Personal information held by us relating to an individual will be kept confidential but may be provided to third parties the following purpose:

  • Comply with applicable laws or legal processes.
  • Investigate and prevent illegal activity, fraud, or violations of terms and conditions.
  • Protect and defend legal rights or defend against legal claims.
  • Facilitate business or asset transactions, such as financing, mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy.
  • With our related parties (e.g.: administrators) that are subject to appropriate data protection obligations
  • Representatives, agents or custodians appointed by the client (e.g.: Auditors, accountant)

Retention of Personal Information:

Disclosure, correction and termination of usage shall be carried out upon request of an individual in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Personal information collected will be retained for no longer than is necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes for which it was collected as per applicable laws and regulations.

Rights of the Individual:

Under relevant laws and regulations, any individual has the right to request access to any of the personal data that we hold by submitting a written request. Individuals are also entitled to request to correct, cancel or delete any of the personal data we hold if they believe such information is inaccurate, out of date or we no longer have a legitimate interest or lawful justification to retain or process.



Heyokha Brothers Limited is the issuer of this website and holds Type 4 (advising on securities) and Type 9 (asset management) licenses issued by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong.

The information provided on this website has been prepared solely for licensed intermediaries and qualified investors in Hong Kong, including professional investors, institutional investors, and accredited investors (as defined under the Securities and Futures Ordinance). The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice, nor an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, investment product, or service.

Investment involves risk and investors may lose their entire investment. Investors are advised to seek professional advice before making any investment decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future performance and the value of investments may fluctuate. Please refer to the offering document(s) for
details, including the investment objectives, risk factors, and fees and charges.

Heyokha Brothers Limited reserves the right to amend, update, or remove any information on this website at any time without notice. By accessing and using this website, you agree to be bound by the above terms and conditions.

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We drive our mission with an exceptional culture through applying a growth mindset where holistic and on the ground research is at our core.
